Monday, March 7, 2011

Jesus doesn't ask for your good deeds, He wants your Life!

This past Saturday we had a great time at Saturday Night Alive. The food, as always, was delicious, (Thank you David and Sandra Peck) the company was great, and the Lord was working in the lives of the people who came.

Our Bible time was called, "The Last Week", where we talked about how Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. He came to 'Hosanna' or 'Save Now'. Those that beat and crucified Christ needed rescuing from the eternal consequences of their actions, but so do we. 'All our righteousness are as filthy rags' -Isaiah 64:6 According to God's Word, no one can earn eternal life thru being a good person, or doing good deeds. If we could, Jesus wouldn't have come to this earth to take our sins and the consequence for them... Death. But because of what Jesus has done, we can have life. ETERNAL LIFE!
All that the one true God requires is admission of sin, belief in the death and resurrection of His son Jesus, and giving God absolute control of your life. 
Romans 10:9 tells us 
"If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved!"

Special Thanks to Tim Watson, Lexi Zanias, Luke Earwood, Willy and Talia Osigian, Laura Farmer, Jonathan George, and all of our prize sponsors for everything they did to make Saturday Night Alive special in March.

Saturday Night Alive
April 2nd
See you there!

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