Monday, May 16, 2011

June 4th Saturday Night Alive

It's hard to believe that we have already had 7 Saturday Night Alive's!

It all comes down to the final one on June 4th, 2011. We will be taking a break during summer camp season, but we hope to see you one last time for a very special Saturday Night.

There are several surprises in store on June 4th, especially for those who have been regulars at SNA, but even first timers are sure to have a blast. SEE YOU THERE!

Don't forget to check out our SNA May speaker's, Ethan and Bekah Martin, website!

FOR MORE INFO CALL 828 628 0340

Friday, May 6, 2011

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times!

Its official!
This month, ZAXBY'S of Asheville will be providing our food, 
so you can be extra sure it will be super tasty. 
Also, in addition to the amazing game of HUMAN PINBALL that we will be playing, our music time will feature the amazing Guitar stylings of Aaron Tomblin!

Tomorrow night will be one to remember, 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Guest Speakers!

Hold on to your headphones!
This month at Saturday Night Alive, we will be blessed to hear from 

Our Bible Study Time this month is titled:

So come out join us!
Free Food, Fun Games, Great Prizes, Awesome Music, 
and a look at what TRUE LOVE according to God's Word.

MAY 7th
Call 828 301 6055 for more info

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Have you ever played Pinball?
It's pretty SUPER. Right?

Have you ever played Human Pinball?
It's like regular Pinball, plus amazing...

Saturday Night Alive 
will include:
Human Pinball
A great free Dinner
Games and Prizes
Music Centered on the Saviour, Jesus Christ
A Bible Study

Be there on May 7th at 5:30-9:30!
Bring a friend!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tomorrow's Bible Study:

Luke 9

A Slap in the Face!

Come to SNA to have fun and learn from God's Word. 
April 2nd. 
Free Food, Great Prizes, Fun Games, 
Amazing Music, and Wonderful Friends.
OR CALL 828 301 6055 FOR MORE INFO.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When was the last time?

When was the last time you played a good game of 
When was the last time you got prizes for winning?

APRIL 2nd!
828 301 6055

Monday, March 14, 2011

Big Surprises coming on April 2nd to Saturday Night Alive!

Saturday Night Alive
April 2nd

This month's SNA will be a special one!
Not only will it be a great night for F-U-N and friends, 
but it will also be the celebration of an event 
that you won't want to miss!
Want to know what all the excitement is about?
See you on April 2nd, bring a friend, a smile, 
and get ready for a literal once in a lifetime Celebration.

or call 828 301 6055 for more information

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jesus doesn't ask for your good deeds, He wants your Life!

This past Saturday we had a great time at Saturday Night Alive. The food, as always, was delicious, (Thank you David and Sandra Peck) the company was great, and the Lord was working in the lives of the people who came.

Our Bible time was called, "The Last Week", where we talked about how Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. He came to 'Hosanna' or 'Save Now'. Those that beat and crucified Christ needed rescuing from the eternal consequences of their actions, but so do we. 'All our righteousness are as filthy rags' -Isaiah 64:6 According to God's Word, no one can earn eternal life thru being a good person, or doing good deeds. If we could, Jesus wouldn't have come to this earth to take our sins and the consequence for them... Death. But because of what Jesus has done, we can have life. ETERNAL LIFE!
All that the one true God requires is admission of sin, belief in the death and resurrection of His son Jesus, and giving God absolute control of your life. 
Romans 10:9 tells us 
"If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved!"

Special Thanks to Tim Watson, Lexi Zanias, Luke Earwood, Willy and Talia Osigian, Laura Farmer, Jonathan George, and all of our prize sponsors for everything they did to make Saturday Night Alive special in March.

Saturday Night Alive
April 2nd
See you there!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


One Giant Ball, One Great Meal, One Amazing Saturday Night

We can't wait to see you this weekend for 
where we will be playing a game of GIANT SOCCER.
It's just like regular soccer, only... giant.
So come prepared to get sweaty and hungry for our dinner of 
MEATBALL SUBS and dessert.
Remember to let us know if it is your birthday so that we can all 
celebrate together by putting your name on the cake!

Our Praise and Worship time will be a little different than usual for this month... 
you will have to come to find out how.

Don't forget about prizes like Free Money, Free FUN DEPOT Passes, and Gift Certificates 
for bringing the most new guests and 
Bible (not) Trivia.

Our Bible Study Time for this month is called
Bring your friends, your game face, your appetite, and most importantly your Bible.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Which Gospel do you PREACH, Which Gospel do you PRACTICE?

For yet another month, we had a great time at  
Saturday Night Alive 
with great games, great prizes, great food, great music, and great friends!

This past weekend we looked at The Gospel According to Culture vs. The Gospel According to Christ. We saw in the verse 1 John 2:15 that if we are in love with the Culture of our World, the Love of God isn't in us. Everyone was given an invitation to think critically about the culture to which they are exposed on an everyday basis, and to always search out the true message instead of blindly accepting it. 

We learned how the message of our modern culture is: 'You aren't enough, but if you ______, you can be'.  And how the message of Christ is: 'You aren't enough. Jesus is.' The gospel of Christ is the filter thru which every piece of information that comes in must be processed, so that the actions that come out will be pleasing to the Father in heaven who gave His only Son's life for our Salvation. 

We look forward to seeing everyone again on March 5 for another great Saturday! Bring your Bible, your friends, and your appetite. !

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It is physically impossible to be more excited!

After 2 whole months of no 
Saturday Night Alive
We at Camp Good News know that many of you SNA regulars are having withdrawals!

Not to worry!
We are working hard to make sure that February SNA will be the best yet! That includes prizes, music, games, food, but most importantly, BIBLE STUDY. 

Bring your Friends, and participate in ridiculous Minute to Win It challenges, win free money for bringing the most guests, make new friends while you are here, and learn an incredibly valuable skill during our Bible Study time. 

We can't wait to see YOU at 
Saturday Night Alive
Camp Good News in Fairview
828 301 6055

Monday, January 31, 2011

Saturday Night Alive February 5th!

You will be at
Saturday Night Alive
on February 5th from 5:30-9:30
True or False?

Come eat great food, play in the game-room, compete in Minute to Win It games for prizes, 
Praise the Lord with Worship Music accompanied by great musicians, 
Learn from God's Word!
PLUS, It's all FREE!
For more info, call 828 301 6055

Saturday, January 8, 2011

SNA cancelled for January

Due to snow SNA is Cancelled for January 8th, sorry everybody...
See you in February...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't forget about FREE $$$

Remember that at 
we want you to have lunch money! 
(or gas money, or clothes money, or video game money,
or money for investing in a great IRA portfolio)


Whoever Brings the Most New Guests with them to SNA on January 8th at Camp Good News in Fairview gets Free Cold Hard Cash!.

Remember: Saturday Night Alive, January 8th, 5:30-9:30, 
Camp Good News in Fairview, 
Free Food, Games, Live Music, and a Bible Study.
(so bring your Bible)